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Jaruwat Boonwaedlom

30 Aug 2021

Born March 20, 1977 in Rachaburi, Thailand

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting), Faculty of Fine Arts Painting,
Sculpture, Graphic Art, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

MFA (Painting), Faculty of Fine Arts Painting, Sculpture,
Graphic Art,  Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Selected  Exhibitions
1998   Bangkok Art Exposition, National Art Gallery, Bangkok
1999   17th Young Artist Exhibition, Bangkok
2000   Senior’s Art Thesis Exhibition 2000, Faculty of Fine Arts Painting,
             Sculpture, Graphic Art, Silpakorn University
2001   "An Altered State," Room Service Gallery, Bangkok
             Thailand Art Exhibition (Phillip Morris), Bangkok
             16th PTT Art Exhibition, Bangkok
             Buo Luang Fine Art Exhibition, Bangkok
2002   Asean Art Awards, Indonesia
             The Way of Art Exhibition, Silpakorn University,
             Bangkok National Art Exhibition, Bangkok
2003   "In Transit," BMW Meets Arts and H Gallery, Bangkok
2005   "Public Place," H Gallery, Bangkok
2007/2008   "Lost In Transit," H Gallery, Bangkok
2010/2011   "Transient," H Gallery, Bangkok

2001   1st Prize, Thailand Art Award (Phillip Moris)
             2nd Prize, Ptt Art Competition 16th (General)
2002   2nd Prize, Asean Art Awards 2001/2002, Indonesia
